Dressmaking Fabric

Dressmaking fabric by the metre from Higgs and Higgs, trusted UK materials retailer. Whether you are looking for a wool coating material, dressmaking linen for a summer dress or denim for jeans, we have you covered.

We specialise in high quality dressmaking materials with a huge variety of colours, weights, fabric types and widths.

As a dressmaker, we know how important it is for you to be 100% sure on the fabric you are using. Given the time investment, you want to be happy with your fabric of choice so we offer a free sample service where you can get up to 5 samples for just the £1.99 postage fee.

Dressmaking Patterns for Clothes

Dressmaking Blogs & Handy Guides

Working with Felt to make the Perfect Coat

Working with washed linen when making clothes

Tips when working with Minky Fleece . .

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